Ny version av My Youtube Playlist
Nu finns en ny version av min WordPress Plugin ”My Youtube Playlist” som innehåller en förändring som gör att videon som laddas från början fungerar även i rss-läsare och i andra fall där javascript är avstängt. Den nya versionen finns att ladda hem här.
Do you think we can unite this amazing plugin with this Jquery VALID code:
It seems to do the same your plugin does. See
It would make this program valid xhtml. Please.
Karl: The code is valid xhtml except for the flash-bit that is taken från YouTubes own embed-code. What exactly do you want done?
Hey, love the plug-in! One of the better one’s I’ve seen for Youtube video galleries.
I keep getting an error message ’This plug in does not have a valid header’ whenever I try to install it (tried it on a couple of my sites). Any thoughts on how I can resolve this?
Ken: I never got that… What version of WordPress are you using? Could you send me a screenshot to [email protected]?
I lean the script in errors from 9 to 2. Check this out:
Although since it is not valid to have a UL and a Javascript after, I think still to make mix abit of Jquery may make it worth it.