Ny version av Category Thumbnail List
Nu finns en ny verision av min plugin Category Thumbnail List. Den nya versionen har fått en egen adminsida där man kan ställa in hur man vill sortera listan som skapas, både om det ska vara stigande eller fallande och om det det ska vara datum eller titel. Detta är första gången jag gör en plugin som har en inställningssida i WordPress och denna gången imponerar WordPress precis som vanligt. Det är grymt snyggt gjort och enkelt att jobba med!
Pluginen hämtar nu också bildstorleken från WordPress-installationen istället för i koden som det var tidigare. Självklart har jag också passat på att testa alltihop i WordPress 3.0.
mycket bra arbete insticksprogrammet fungerar bra. Tack själv för delar.
How can I make the plugin list more than 10 thumbnails? I’d like it to list, say, 100. Thanks!
Mark: There is no limit to the number of thumbnails. Not intentionally anyway. I’ll look in to it.
Mark: The new version (1.1) with unlimited posts has now been uploaded to WordPress. Thanks for telling me about the bug!
Ooo! I just figured something out, but not sure if it’s the best way to do it. If I just include the number of maximum posts shown per page in the Reading settings, your plugin has the desired effect I want. Although it would be nice to be able to set a custom max for your plugin.. maybe for the next version? 🙂 great job! takk
Mark: I’ll change the plugin for now just to show all posts instead of the number of posts allowed in the loop. Maybe I’ll add the admin part later, I’d have to add some sort of navigation too.
Quick question about Category Thumbnail List Plug-in. How can I call it in the sidebar (not using widgets)? Thanks!
Kevin: http://twitter.com/jonkpirateboy/status/23175835031
I’d REALLY like to be able to have it show a set number of posts and also to be able to navigation prev/next or use WP-Paginate to navigate through them.
Kermit Woodall: I don’t have the time now to keep on developing this plugin, maybe sometime in the future. Or, you could do it yourself, the source is open.
there was a problem with comments appearing a page with disabled comments:
problem description and fix:
Thanks! I’ll update the plugin!