Ny version av My Youtube Playlist: 1.2
Nu finns version 1.2 av min plugin My Youtube Playlist att ladda hem från WordPress. Det nya i denna version är att när man klickar på ett klipp från spellistan under filmrutan så startas filmen automatiskt. Detta känns som om det borde ha varit med redan i första versionen men ibland behöver man att någon annan pekar ut något för att man ska inse det. Jag tackar Craig Hamre som upptäckte att det skulle vara bättre med automatisk start när han skapade 500 Gram Cakes (B).
För att visa styrkan med den nya versionen passar jag på att bjuda på en Tommy Seebach-bonanza, håll tillgodo!
Hi Jonk,
Is it possible to modify the myyoutubeplaylist plugin so that it hightlights the selected clip using some CSS border tag?
Awesome plugin, and I’m glad to be using it !
Faisal Humayun: Try adding a:focus to the css. Glad you like the pluin!
Pardon my css ignorance Jonk, but do these tags need to belong in some container of the css file?
A {color: red;}
A:hover {color: cyan;}
A:active {color: maroon;}
A:focus {border: 1px solid red;}
A:focus:hover {color: lime;}
Simply adding these to the css file doesn’t seem to work.
Once again, sorry for the trouble!
Thank you!
Write them as .myYoutubePlaylist_YoutubePlaylist ul li a, .myYoutubePlaylist_YoutubePlaylist ul li a:hover and so forth and you should be fine.
You mean like this?
.myYoutubePlaylist_YoutubePlaylist ul li, .myYoutubePlaylist_YoutubePlaylist ul li a, .myYoutubePlaylist_YoutubePlaylist ul li a:focus{border: 1px solid red;}
.myYoutubePlaylist_YoutubePlaylist ul li, .myYoutubePlaylist_YoutubePlaylist ul li a, .myYoutubePlaylist_YoutubePlaylist ul li a:focus:hover{color:lime;}
.myYoutubePlaylist_YoutubePlaylist ul li, .myYoutubePlaylist_YoutubePlaylist ul li a, .myYoutubePlaylist_YoutubePlaylist ul li a:hover {color:lime;}
.myYoutubePlaylist_YoutubePlaylist ul li, .myYoutubePlaylist_YoutubePlaylist ul li a, .myYoutubePlaylist_YoutubePlaylist ul li a:active{color:orange;}
Yes, but delete ”.myYoutubePlaylist_YoutubePlaylist ul li, ” from each row.
Just asked this on forums and then looked at your site.
When will this plugin be compatible with WordPress 3? I tried it with WP3 and the short codes don’t work – they just show up like text when I preview the page.
labedford: It is working om WordPress 3, for intstance this blog and this very blog post is a living proof!. 😛 Have you activated the plugin?
Yes I did, but the shortcode just shows up like text when I view the page. It is almost like it is not being recognised and taken as text.
Could the theme be causing this or something else?
I really would like to use your plugin as it does exactly what I am looking for.
Try these things:
Copy the shortcode from here: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/my-youtube-playlist/
Disable all other plugins.
Also I am running Buddypress and using a BuddyPress theme from WPMU Dev. My WP3 is a MS.
I will try the plugin disable and see if it does anything. I tried the BP default theme and had the same problem.
I deleted a few other inactive YouTube plugins I tested and it is working now with your example playlist.
However, a channel and playlist I created yesterday on Youtube doesn’t show up when I add it with one of your channels or by itself. Initially it shows a grey filming camera with a clock on it in the thumbnail position and when I click it the large video section just goes blank. I have rechecked that the ID is correct a number of times.
I tested another plugin yesterday and the playlist showed up, but displayed only 1 video in it.
I just read that it can take YouTube up to 2 days to make something public. So I will wait another day and report back if that is the problem.
My play lists still don’t show up and just have a grey camera icon. I have checked and they are available publicly. I tried two different YouTube accounts. Any idea why this could be?
labedford: Probably the wring YouTube id. Send me a link or the id.
Here are the playlist ID’s which I created for testing. When I put them into YouTube search both come up: 3DFF6D4D0E2038BF, 6D1820AAC59BFB82
Here is the page link: http://ukmarketingnetwork.com/video/
labedford: That is not valid YouTube ids, see here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DFF6D4D0E2038BF and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6D1820AAC59BFB82. The id should be taken from the url, like LO3n67BQvh0 from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LO3n67BQvh0
Yes I just gave you the last bit, here is the full links:
I see yours say watch in the url. I copied mine from my channel and that is the url given.
Is there another ID I should be looking for, for a play list?
I know that a single video has watch in the url.
Or am I getting the plugin wrong and supposed to list individual videos together to make a playlist from those on my site?
My understanding was that it was for already created play lists in one’s YouTube Channel.
labedford: yes, you should list the individual videos ids.
Ah – that solves it! Thanks for your patience.
when I view the page source, I see that at the end of the code for the embedded video, it says undefined. I tried to add the rel=0 at the end of the code so that the related videos section wouldn’t show, but none of those extra parameters will load because there is something still undefined in the code. Can this be fixed?
I figured out what was causing it. it is the play function.
Kahil: Do you mean there’s something wrong with the plugin causing this error?
I have a few playlists with over 50 videos in them. Is there a way to make it so when a thumbnail is clicked to play a video it automatically scrolls back to the top where the video player is? Currently a user would have to click a thumbnail then scroll up to the player.
The typical way to do this is make an html anchor have the link be something like http://www.thissite.com/video123#player
Not sure how to accomplish this with your plugin?
Brian M: I’ll look in to it.
Is there a way to add title or description on list video?
pyro: I’ve tried but I can’t find a way to do it. Sorry.
i really like your plugin. The thumbnails are very sleek and nice.
Are you planning to add youtube PLAYLISTS IDs instead of individual video IDs?
Please let me know asap if you will. Good luck to your efforts. Greatly appreciated! 🙂
jess: Thanks! I’m not planning that at the moment but it’s possible that playlists will be added sometime in the future.
Great plugin!!!
I also love your plugin but wish it could do 2 additional things:
1) Remove the related Youtube Videos feature
2) Titles or Captions for the Thumbnails
I know you have already stated that titles or captions are a problem for you to implement but can you be specific as to how I can remove the related youtube videos.
Thanks so much…
Joe: In the php- and js-file after ”&hl=en&fs=1”; add ”&rel=0” to remove the related videos resulting in ”&hl=en&fs=1&rel=0”, I’ll add that option to an admin page in the future.
Thank you for your incredibly fast reply….much appreciated!
I made the changes and it works perfectly for all of the thumbnails when they are clicked but it does not seem to work for the first big video that opens on top when the page first opens.
I am on a Mac and tested in in Firefox, Safari and Opera…..same behavior for all 3.
Hope you have a fix.
Thanks again in advance…
Joe: I don’t know straight away, try some css with ”+” selecting elements based on previous elements. If that doesn’t do it, try jQuery.
Another question:
If the videos are 720p, is there a way to make all the videos default to playing in 720p. They all default to 320p now.
Joe: There doesn’t seem to be a way http://code.google.com/apis/youtube/player_parameters.html
Thank you for your reply.
Are you responding to my last 2 questions or just the one above?
I am still hoping there is a way to get the first video that loads in the big window on top to not show the related youtube videos.
I’ll give it a try and post with the results.
I can not figure out how to do this myself as I am not sophisticated with CSS. If anyone can figure this out, please post.
It looks like Faisal Humayun was able to get the titles to display underneath the thumbnails on his site – http://seekeraftertruth.com/. We just need to know how he did it!
He is using Tubepress
Sorry about last post – now I found your txt. It looks like There are no options – just need to add the hook line.
Please delete previous post.
Final post.
Thanks for your work.
When I get my flatter account I’ll flatter you.
About one of the latest posts.
I’m also dealing with putting the titels underneed the thumbnail.
Do you have some code for that? Some editing in the PHP or JS file?
btw thanks for the ”&hl=en&fs=1” coding it really did the trick!
I’m afraid not, but if you figure it out please tell me!
Hi Jonk,
I can teach you how to do configure plugin My Youtube Playlist?
Probably not, since i wrote it. But if you want to know how to configure it read http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/my-youtube-playlist/installation/ and if you want to change the look of the plugin, just edit the css.
Great plugin!
Regarding adding extra parameters at the end of the video url, for example:
&hl=en&fs=1 – in the source there is an ”undefined” error as mentioned by Kahil
To go around that, just add the extra parameter BEFORE the &fs=1 instead of after it, like so
Hope this helps someone!
Hi Jonk,you have done greet work.
My Question is
Do you know how to put this youtube playlist into Index template?What is the right code so this playlist will show at the frontpage?
I try this
[myyoutubeplaylist LO3n67BQvh0, WGOohBytKTU, iwY5o2fsG7Y, PyKNxUThW4E, 1cX4t5-YpHQ, SJ183htYl-8, eWwoHPrrJYY, bja2ttzGOFM]
but no success.
You mean to have it hardcoded in a file? I’d rather recommend creating at page and adding your list on it, and then setting it to be the startpage under settings > reading in Wp-admin.
Hi Jonk, I know you’ve been asked before about this but I was interested in adding titles and description to the thumbnails. Google has updated their api and I understand this can be done with javascript JSON. Would you be interested in adding this to the plugin? https://developers.google.com/youtube/2.0/developers_guide_json
Thanks! I’ll look in to it!
That would be great. I’ve tried other youtube plugins and none are as good as myyoutubeplaylist. If you don’t have time to update the plugin itself I would be interested in a solution to update the js & or php files. Thanks for reading my question!
Tack för grym wp-plug! Undrar bara om det går att lägga ”spelaren” i sidebaren?
Allstå som ”widget” eller hur kan man koda det? Finns det någon enkel lösning?
Mvh, Maggy
Testa do_shortcode http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/do_shortcode